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James Yang[18].JPEG

I started in art at an early age. I remember watching my father and uncle on the weekends setting up fruits and vegetables in order to paint still life. First I only watched them, and then later on they invited me to join them, and that is how my journey in art started. 


These early memories instilled in me a sense of what art really is. While I did go to school for art, I am mostly self-taught when it comes to painting. Preferring to go my own way in search of my own style and space. 


While the process of creating art is largely irrational, a deeper connection with the truth is what I am really after. I see painting as a form of search, be it for beauty or the  meaning of life; either way, nature is at the heart of it all. For me, nature is the beginning and the end of everything.


Through close and thorough examination of it, I decipher colours, nature's colours, both wondrous and ugly; they convey to me its tapestry, it's design, and its purpose.

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